- Bring light, fast drying clothes and swimwear
- Use a hat or a sombrero to avoid sunstrokes
- Travel with a small and light luggage
- Use comfortable shoes and water resistant
- It´s recommendable to use sunblock cream all day
- It´s very important to constantly drink enough water, as the humidity is very high. Preferably bring your own drinking bottle.
- The yellow fever vaccination is not obligatory.
- Follow the instructions of the functionaries of the natural parks, guides and people that brings you the tourism services.
- Take your garbage with you, don´t throw it in the beaches. Carry it in garbage bags until you deposit in an adequate place for its treatment.
- Save Water! Remember that in an island sweet water is a scare resource.
- Take care of the coral reefs when you practice diving or snorkel, abstain to touch it because are very fragile and takes too much time in grow.
- San Andres´s raizal culture is very interesting as result of the miscegenation of Spanish, French, English, Dutch and African people, so take the change to meet local people and learn the history about the island.
- If you buy crafts, pay a fair price in that way you can help to support local communities.
SEAFLOWER BIosphere reserve
San Andres is surrounded by the second largest coral reef in central America. Declared as Seaflower Biosphere Reserve by Unesco in 2000 for its extraordinary marine biodiversity, compress three national parks that deserve to be cared for the travels who enjoys its seven colours sea.